Natural or dry food: what's best for dogs? - Bits of Joy

Natural or Dry Food: What's Best for Dogs?

Understanding Natural Feeding

The question of whether to feed dogs natural or dry food continues to spark passionate debates among dog owners. Advocates of natural feeding often label their opponents as lazy, suggesting that they are not willing to put in the effort for the sake of their pet's health. But is it really that simple? Let's try to delve into the topic and explore the advantages of both natural feeding and dry food for dogs, and uncover why many owners are increasingly choosing the latter option.

What is Natural Feeding?

At first glance, it may seem clear: natural feeding involves a diet made up of unprocessed or home-cooked natural ingredients. However, opinions on what constitutes natural feeding can vary. Some owners may consider it as feeding their dogs table scraps or cooked grains with minimal meat content (or simply based on meat broth). The only truly suitable option from a biological standpoint, considering that dogs belong to the carnivore order and primarily consume animal-based food in the wild, is the last option. The first two do not meet the biological needs of canines and can lead to health issues in the long run. Furthermore, it is impossible to raise a beautiful and strong dog that can excel in dog shows, participate in sports competitions, or achieve hunting success solely on a diet of cooked grains.

Moving forward, we will solely focus on high-quality natural feeding, which consists of meat-based products supplemented with plant-based foods, with a minimum ratio of 50/50.

Natural Feeding vs. Dry Food for Dogs

In reality, there is no fundamental opposition here – the composition of the food is far more important than the form it takes in the bowl. However, both types of feeding have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Natural Feeding:

- Dogs consume whole, unprocessed foods that have not undergone industrial processing.
- Dogs usually enjoy meat-based natural foods, whereas with dry food, they may need some time to adapt to it.
- The owner can see exactly what they are feeding their pet, as the contents of the bowl are transparent. In the case of commercial pet food, it is necessary to learn how to read the labels to understand if the meat is truly present in the diet or just in the name.

Disadvantages of Natural Feeding:

- The owner has to calculate the daily caloric intake and balance the amounts of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates themselves. This issue becomes particularly relevant if the pet is prone to obesity or has special dietary needs.
- It can be extremely challenging to feed large and giant breed dogs with only meat, not only due to the cost, but also the need for regular replenishment and storage.
- Feeding raw meat poses a risk of parasite infection, while cooked meat may lack certain essential nutrients. Dry food solves this problem by incorporating various additives, which have to be purchased separately when feeding natural foods. 

It is worth mentioning that providing diversity is important when following a natural feeding approach. For example, offering different types of meat and poultry; in addition to fillets, including other parts of the animal. Tendons, cartilage, and animal organs are a valuable source of essential microelements, which predators can efficiently absorb only from meat-based food, not synthetic additives. After all, in their natural habitat, wolves practically consume their prey in its entirety.

As a source of dietary fiber, it is necessary to incorporate plant-based foods into the dog's diet, such as vegetables, fruits, and greens. However, not all dogs eat these products enthusiastically, and this should also be taken into account when choosing the natural feeding approach.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Dry Food Feeding

Advantages of Dry Food:

- Complete and balanced dry food products are readily available and save time in preparation.
- Commercial products undergo quality and safety testing, reducing the likelihood of toxins and pathogens.
- Dry food requires minimal storage requirements, as it does not require refrigeration, only a cool place.
- For dogs prone to weight gain, portion control is easier with premeasured dosage cups.

Disadvantages of Dry Food:

- Not all dry food products are equally beneficial. If you rely solely on the marketing claims of manufacturers and are not willing to learn how to understand the composition of dry food, there is a high risk of purchasing a product that falls significantly short in terms of quality compared to natural food.
- Not all dogs readily accept dry food, especially if they were not introduced to it from an early age.

Remember, the choice between natural feeding and dry food ultimately depends on your personal preferences, the specific needs of your dog, and their individual tastes. Consult with your veterinarian to make the best decision for your beloved pet's nutritional needs.

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